General William Booth of the Salvation Army was speaking to a graduating class in the Army’s training school. These young people had been there several years, learning how to work for god and win souls. The general said, “Young men, if I could have had my way, I would never have had you here for these years of training. But I would have put you in Hell for twenty-four hours. I would have allowed you to feel the pains and pangs of the damned, to hear the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. I would have caused you to see how they suffer forever. Then I would have sent you out into the world to warn men to flee from the wrath to come.”
General Booth was right. If we really knew what Hell was like, nothing could stop us from urging men to come to Christ.
(Taken from Herschel Ford, “Judgment and Hell)
Pastor Tom Tucker
Galatians 2:20