First seen in the Baptist Courier-September 2016
This year’s theme for our South Carolina Baptist Convention is “Launch Out.” Based on Luke 5 where The Lord Jesus Christ says to Peter, “Launch Out into the deep, and let down your nets for a great catch.” Over the past few months my article has concerned the text. We noticed the Command, the Commitment and the Consequences of the Commitment.
But why “Launch Out?”
• With 80-85% of our churches plateaued or declining – It is time to “Launch Out” to assist these church in revitalization.
• With 400 churches not baptizing anyone – It is time to “Launch Out.”
• Somewhere around 80% of Americans claim to be Christian, which would tell you that America should be the most Godly nation on the Planet. – It is time to “Launch Out.”
This year’s convention will be filled with testimonies from Pastors and Churches who have seen God work through Revitalization. Also, you will hear some incredible words concerning Evangelism. I believe it is time that we use the word “Soul-winning” again!
Tuesday night will be a “Praise and Prayer” gathering. Prayer must be the priority in seeing God move among us!
Now is not the time to be some corporate organization that does nothing in ministry! Now is not the time for us to sit on the dock of the bay – wasting time!
Now is the time for the SCBC to “Launch Out” into the deep and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have tried programs and fads – maybe, just maybe it is time to do it God’s way.
If the mission of the SCBC is to “assist churches to fulfill the Great the Commission” then churches and Pastors must be our priority!
Join me in “Launching Out” for His glory!
In Christ,
Dr. Tom Tucker
President of the South Carolina Baptist Convention