Dr. Jerry Vines shared the following story, “There was a little deaf boy named Bud Walker who did not have the opportunity to have interpreters and all of the things that many deaf people have today. So he reached his teen years and was not a Christian. They had tried every means possible to get the Gospel to him, but without interpreters, they were unable to do so. But, the Holy Spirit of God was eventually able to break through. God touched his heart early in the week in a revival meeting. And so Bud Walker come walking down the aisle and bowed upon his knees. They prayed around him, and in a little while, the Lord Jesus Christ came into his heart.”
“Bud was so thrilled that Jesus was in his heart, but he could not articulate it. He began to point to his heart and point to Heaven. He would then point to Heaven and point to his heart. He smiled, and they know that Jesus had come into his heart!”
But that’s not the end of the story.
”Throughout the rest of the week, Bud Walker was used of God to win more people to Christ in that revival than any other person in the building. Here is what he would do. During the invitation, Bud Walker, who could not talk, would walk to people in the congregation who knew and loved him; he would put his arms around them and press them for just a little bit. He would point his hand toward Heaven, he would point his and to his heart, he would point toward the person’s heart, and then he would point toward the aisle. There they would go down the aisle, receiving Jesus Christ. One after one, he would deal with people!”
As I read this story, my heart broke to the countless times I have failed to share The Gospel! May it be said of us that we are a people that God can use to Share The Great Commission – Go and Go! Point to Heaven and Point to your Heart! MAKE-MATURE-MULTIPLY!
Proverbs 11:30, “He that winneth souls is wise.”
For His Glory,
Dr. Tom Tucker