“For it is time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteousness upon you.” Hosea 10:12
Holy Spirit revivals are born in times of desperation. A mighty spiritual renewal in the church is the essential need of this day in which we live. It is the only thing that will avail. This day is a day of God haters in the church and outside the church. This day is the day to soften the Gospel message in the church and outside the church. In the light of the eternal issues that are at stake, both to an embarrassed church and to a dying world, unceasing prayer should ascend to God day and night for a God sent revival.
James A. Stewart emphasizes the importance of seeking the Lord with desperate and fervent prayer in his book – Open Windows:
“The need of the Hour is for a definite, prevailing, agonizing prayer for God to rend the heavens and visit His blood bought people. We live in a day characterized by the multiplication of man’s machinery and the diminution of God’s power. The great cry of our day is ‘Work, work, work! New organizations, new methods, new machinery.’
The great need of our day is Prayer. It was masterstroke of the devil when he got the church to generally lay aside this mighty weapon of prayer. The devil is perfectly willing that the church should multiply its organizations, and deftly contrived machinery for the conquest of the world for Christ, if it will only give up praying.
Whenever you see revival in any place, if you will inquire among the members of the church or churches you will find that an unknown Jacob has been wrestling in prayer for the blessing; some Elijah, alone perhaps with head bowed between his knees, has been praying for a spiritual deluge, and keeping a sharp look out for the gathering clouds. And in our day the cry is the same; there is a great need for more intercessors in vital union with their ascended Lord, who will agonize inside the veil for the deliverance of the church from its spiritual slump.
There had never been a true awakening anywhere on earth until there was a desperate Church. It is when we are in desperation that God steps in and answers our prayers mightily. I knew a businessman, a wealthy, influential manufacturer, who was so burdened for the spiritual condition of his country that he arose every morning at five o’clock to seek the face of the Lord for this matter. For years he prayed on in faith, until the answer came. He prayed that God would rise up other believers with like minds to join him all over the land in this secret ministry. So desperate was he that he told the lord that if he would send revival, he would spend his entire wealth for the evangelization of the nation. This dear brother kept his word, as he became the human center of the revival movement in his land.”
May we travail before the Lord for His revival blessings!
Still Believing God,
Pastor Tom Tucker
Galatians 2:20